I'm "homeless", as in I'm without a permanent address— my mother and I have been paying a couple weeks at a time to stay at a vacant house belonging to a friend of my dad's; but we've been here since the past several weeks and he needs to house back for his purposes by August 13th. So now we've got a month to find someplace to rent and despite how fervently we've been looking, we haven't found anything suitable for us.
What's more, I may have to go it alone from this point onward because she and I haven't been getting along well enough to even speak to each other like normal people do, much less continue sharing a space.
I know God is with me, but getting by from miracle to miracle and from breakthrough to breakthrough is tiring. Everything about what my life currently is —and what it has been for quite some time now— is wearing me down. And, as I am legally disabled (I'm a sickle-cell patient), it isn't like I started off strong & capable in the first place. I'm just an overgrown boy doing his best impression of a "MAN" and, by my standards, I've been failing miserably at it since I became an adult.
I PRAISE the LORD that I'm not out on the street! But to say that I'm ready for a change would be a gross understatement.