—by failing the GOOD LIFE's recurring entrance exam.

When you speak or write, do others listen and take action or do your words fall flat? That girl you complimented (spouse/relative/associate/stranger/etc): did you get exactly what you wanted from her, and more? Even better: was she delighted to give it to you...?

The very purpose of speaking is for affecting change; solving problems; achieving a result - and those who get RESULTS—for instance, through their persuasion/influence/competence—are rewarded (oft very handsomely) for doing so. Therefore...

How much of life's REWARDS are YOU missing out on...?

(let's get specific)

  1. Survival • Enjoyment of life • Life extension: The 4 pillars of a GOOD life are healthwealthrelationships, and happiness - are all 4 of these areas of your life being satisfactorily rewarded, much less sufficiently supplied...?
  2. Social approval★: Do you have the approval—or at least the respect—of the your household, most of your loved ones, extended family, and acquaintances? You gain this by living in congruence with your values, but have you even communicated what your values are to these people whose respect you would surely benefit from having?
  3. Superiority • WINNING • Keeping up w/ the Joneses: What are you specifically good at? Are you better at that thing than almost everyone else you're likely to come across in the average/normal daily life? Is it the sort of ability or skill that would make you the most interesting person in the room? Not that anyone else's opinion should matter more than your own, but it would be convenient for you if what you're superior at was something that the Joneses themselves would be hard pressed to keep up with!
  4. Sexual companionship★: —And even more so if it can satisfy hypergamy, as women tend to pursue men superior to them and date those they look up to (that's assuming you're a heterosexual male). And then there's their unspoken desire (and oft disappointed expectation) for us to be hip to their emotional dialect (womanese).
  5. Expression of beauty & style: Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but if there's anything every human can agree on as being stunningly, visually attractive... it's one's overflowing confidence and self-assuredness: how comfortable a man (or woman) feels inside their own skin... In their own body. You can't hide this, you'll broadcast its presence or absence whether you want to or not. Faking it has its limitations.
  6. Economy • Profit: Squeaky wheels are the ones that get the grease because one law of the universe is that those who ask, receive. And fortune favors the bold. One of the reasons that women are convinced there's a gender wage gap is because men are more likely to ask their boss for a raise than women are. But are you one of those men willing to speak up? Do you ask for what you want, or do you just accept whatever's given to you...?
  7. Bonus • Charisma: You can begin to tap into the basics of exuding charismatic behavior by simply...
    • a) being better than "good" or doing better than "okay" when people ask about your wellbeing;
    • b) speaking LOUDER than you otherwise would (and 'A monotone voice comes from a monotone body, fix that by simply smiling as you speak!', says Vinh Giang);
    • c) by being fun during a first impression;
    • d) being unashamed about what you deem important and valuable in life (and, as previously mentioned, living in congruence w/ those values: respect is intertwined w/ charisma). 
    • And ALL of those conditions are fairly simple to automatically meet once you have a wildcard of a gift • talent • skill to undergird you like an unsinkable lifesaver in the open seas of life. Charisma is practically built-into almost any attention-commanding, crowd-pleasing ability you can possess. Including~ a magnetic way of COMMUNICATING your thoughts and ideas—!!

I'm here to help you with all that (and "at the same damn time")!

Your parents lied to you if they told you that children were to be seen and not heard. And the predisposition toward silence is why many of us are broke today. 

Becoming a better COMMUNICATOR—and being mindful of how skillfully you apply your voice—is guaranteed to result in you elevating your socioeconomic status <<#1/2/6/7>>.

And WILDLY successful people (such as Myron Golden, Vinh Giang, Jordan B. Peterson, and Charlie Houpert) ALL agree on not only its likelihood of being absolutely beneficial for you, but especially on its veritable NECESSITY!

But if all you are is someone who's more apt to open your mouth to speak up, that merely leaves you on the level of others who've been doing so all along, and will begin doing so tomorrow.

What YOU desire—and require—is to stand out among the crowd (and to do so w/out much effort or tryharding). In other words, superiority, but by way of casual individuality <<#3/5>>.

How do we pull this off? By growing an extra-sharp set of teeth (it's impossible for a man to respect himself until he's first met this condition) and being ready to bare those fangs whenever necessary.

What I mean by this is, a show of confidence is tantamount to a show of  DOMINANCE (which, in essence is masculine, thus magnetically attractive to women) <<#4/7>>.

But confidence doesn't just manifest because you're in trouble and you suddenly need it to, it is instead a result of capability: More specifically, being capable of DANGER via cruelty.

Cruelty is the sword you keep sheathed, and only when you have that threat at the ready are you a GOOD man <<#4>>: a man CAPABLE of evil <<#4>>, but voluntarily exercising that restraint.

Until then you're weak, naive, and toothlessincapable of domination—and lacking a foundation for any meaningful self-assuredness (confidence) to stand upon. 

UNLESS, you take the shortest route to becoming DANGEROUS! (same video as above)

Because according to Jordan B. Peterson (Harvard University professor w/ 2 bachelor's degrees & a PhD in clinical psychology):

  • To be dangerous is to possess the capacity to be a monster, but also have that inner monstrosity under your voluntary control <<#1/3/4>>. So if a man can't be good without first being dangerous, how should he become more dangerous? By training his physical capabilities?
  • JBP says not quite. He acknowledges the importance of being physically capable but physicality comes 2nd to wielding the two-edged sword of the mouth: "Nothing makes one more formidable <<#1/4>> than verbal competence <<#1>>." 
  • JBP goes on to say: The PRIMARY array of weapons is the ability to think and marshal one's thoughts and arguments 'in-formation'—in a mindfully structured manner—securing him the benefit of being able to claim his rightful place in the world and within the social hierarchy  <<#1/2/3/4/5/6/7>>.
  • JBP adds: The reason why RAPPERS <<#1/3/4/5/6/7>> are so popular <<#1>> (especially among disaffected young men: black & white alike) is because they're unbelievably ARTICULATE <<#1/2/3/5/6/7>>—possessing an incredible VERBAL PROWESS <<#1/2/3/5/6/7>>—making them unbelievably attractive <<#1/2/3/4/6>>. And that their tools for articulation are associated with genuine artistic <<#*1*/2/3/4/5/*6*>> and redemptive activity, often focusing on something that is approximately the voice of the underclass <<#1/3/4/7>>.

Imagine correcting a SEVENFOLD problem, without having to get SEVEN different things right, but instead, just ONE! Like achieving a full-body workout simply by exercising ONE muscle.

What's more, imagine actually enjoying the exercising of this all-purpose muscle (ppl don't skip leg day for nothing!) because of how engaging it is to put to "work".

Well guess what... There is ONE such thing! COMMUNICATION skills is the tide that either elevates—or lowers!—ALL the ships in your life: relationships and otherwise.

Effective communication is joined directly at the hip with every LOCKED (because it is key!) achievement on that 7-item list, which thoroughly represents the importance of becoming more articulate.

Now that you know there's a problem—and that there's a solution—where do you even begin to tackle the mountainous issue of improving your skills for communication? By following the instruction of those who've already solved it for themselves.

I'm one such person, as I've experienced the difference between saying SO much, yet communicating very little with what was said... and speaking very little, yet expressing GRAND SLAM-level messaging despite my brevity.

But how is this done? What's the trick? Just how accessible is this skill?

I'll be getting into that in the upcoming issues. Stay tuned. If you'd like to be among the first to know when I update, consider subscribing. It's free.