By Ali Abdaal

Source Material:

Transcriber/note-taker: Kiwi

6/29/22 5:37pm

Note: This video is a lot more like a "WHY you should have a website in 2022"-video

The 6 benefits of having a personal website

  1. It really helps you develop your own ideas; Not sure if this is something I struggle with but improving as a writer and COMMUNICATOR are worthwhile incentives
  2. It helps your professional life; the inroads here actually rub me the wrong way but I’m trying not to be troubled by this or else I won’t move forward. Besides, which jobs have I been getting anyway?
  3. It leads to connections— potentially w/ ppl from all around the world
  4. You expose yourself to interesting opportunities; invites for writing features and speaking engagements may become likely
  5. You can have a lot more impact; Having a presence on the internet is the modern-day equivalent of being very good at networking
  6. You can monetize it (; It also functions as a “serendipity vehicle”, whatever you’re writing /sharing about is out there working for you while you’re sleeping

A minimum of 3 pages are necessary

  • BLOG

As for content? Best to approach that as follows...

Document, Don’t Create.” —Gary Vee

  • How I’m living my life; “This is my morning routine and here’s why it’s my morning routine…
  • What’s occupying my internet time; ”Here’s an article I read about X and here’s what it made me think about…”
  • Knowledge Seeking;Here’s a book that I read about Y and here’s a quick summary of the book, as well as an Amazon link to the book…

Publish something at least once per week. Commit to that for the next 2 years and Ali guarantees an interesting change to your life.

How will my stuff be seen?

Whenever you update your website share the link on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook

  • Twitter is amazing for professional networking”; I can make Twitter threads of my long-form content
  • LinkedIn is also recommended for the professional side of things

Whereas SEO was the way to get seen in the past, how ppl find your personal website nowadays is through you sharing it on social media and someone there, who your work has resonated with, shares it a little bit wider. Your audience will grow over time.

Don’t concern yourself w/ SEO or monetization for the first 2-3 years.
