“…I will set him on high, because he has known My name.” Psalm 91:14

But which name…?

Date: 12/4/21 9:37pm

When it came to knowing God’s names, the Pharisees knew, exhaustively, ALL the names that God went by in the Torah (the first 5 Books of Moses), even from their tender childhood years; but they were still likened to serpents —even being called a “brood of vipers”— by Jesus Himself (Matt 12:34). Part of the curse spoken over the serpent (a viper is a serpent) in Genesis has to do with being low to the ground (also, its diet being composed greatly of the dust of the earth) and slithering on its belly instead of walking upon legs (Gen 3:14); And in fact, the definition of the name “Philistine” is “wallowing in the dust/ashes”. Any lower than that would be underground! And YET, Jesus, speaking disapprovingly of their hypocritical ways, also verbally backhanded them by referring to them as outwardly beautiful yet inwardly dead and unclean “whitewashed tombs.” (Matt 23:27)

Now, not all tombs are underground, but the image is clear— despite their high & mighty appearance, they’re lowly and dead within (see Matt 23); a mentality brought about, and strengthened by, their pride and self-righteous hypocrisy. Which could’ve been easily remedied by Jesus’ teaching IF they were willing to humble themselves enough to acknowledge that their lofty learnings of the Law was limiting their capacity to love their fellow man— and to receive the LORD’s (see John 9:41).

So, because God can’t fill you up until you first submit to the idea that you’re empty (2 Cor 12:19), the Pharisees, in their legalistic, “Don’t-Come-Near”, holier-than-thou attitude, locked themselves out of a more complete and well-rounded revelation of their covenant-keeping LORD. All for want of the understanding concerning ONE key dimension of God— the one corresponding to the name that Jesus came to reveal to us, which (when received and taught by) will result in our being exalted, promoted, raised up, and set on high (Psalm 91:14).


There must be something about knowing God as your Father that acclimates and gears one’s mind and beliefs toward a more possessive and domineering inclination— for better or for worse…? The Angels that fell to earth with Lucifer and have been here since before Adam, are all referred to (in the BIBLE itself!) as “sons of God”; and to some degree, they’re seen taking what they want— not so much asking for it…

Just a thought!

Calling God “Father” denotes sonship; it implies and (through the repentance that comes with its continued use) helps to establish a father-son relationship, which speaks of intimacy and love. And something about the dynamics of that loving relationship must be the secret behind this reason for ascension, demonstrating the steep cost of knowing the God in heaven ONLY with your head, while not observing Him —in His Fatherly character and nature— with your heart.

Know OF the God of Israel —from a distance— and remain low. Or ACQUAINT yourself with the God of Israel —as your loving Father— and be elevated; set on high.

There’s nothing “wrong” with calling God by any of His numerous, purpose-driven monikers. As a matter of fact, there were those who were being promoted long before Jesus would come as a Man to officially reveal this Fatherly dimension of the God of Israel. But today there’s a new and living way of coming before God and entering into His presence (Heb 10:19-20); a way paid for, in blood, by the perfect work of His precious Son, Jesus.

So if being honored, promoted, raised up, or exalted is conducive to a result you’re believing God for —whether in the spiritual or in the natural sense— try to increasingly incorporate the name “ABBA” (Hebrew for father) or simply “Father” into your God-communing vocabulary. The degree to which it feels unnatural, improper, or just plain “wrong” to call God “Dad” is an indication of just how necessary this change to your perspective  —your repentance in this area— may be.

Speaking from experience, it may make you cringe at first but it quickly gets easier. And that “becoming-easier-for-you” sense of relief is synonymous with a “becoming-closer-with-Him” sense of wellbeing— which is actually just a feeling, (because truthfully, the instant you become born-again the two of you are made one in Christ; No separation, NO distance [Eph 2:13-16, John 17:20-23]) but it’s at least a good & healthy one.

Inclining your heart to the Father makes all the difference between slithering on your belly like the Pharisees, and ascending to new and greater heights —by the uplifting of His right hand of righteousness (Isaiah 41:10)— like the Gentile sinners who never knew the Law of Moses in the first place.

The fast track to the revelation that’ll unlock this result is the father-son relationship stirred up and galvanized by you continually seeing God the same way Jesus sees Him— as ABBA. As Father.

So put off the old-covenant servile spirit of slavish fear, that was once considered the righteous way to “approach” God under the old covenant; and instead take on and be guided by Jesus’ Spirit of Sonship that has been sent forth into our hearts from God —by which we cry out “ABBA-Father!” (Gal 4:4-6)— and be raised up and set on high, to experience all your affairs of life from a newfound perspective of perpetual victory (see Rom 8:28)!

Yes & amen
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