You'll Never FEEL in Black & White Again
An exhaustive list of human emotions to use as a lens for crafting your messages, as a persuasive communicator.
With ELOQUENCE being a distinct inroad to charismatic behavior, it is essential to familiarize oneself with this gamut of feelings, to whatever degree one would desire to adopt the charismatic trait of eloquence.
Additionally, if the difference between having something you desire, and having it not, is your ability to see yourself possessing it... then being able to identify it must carry some degree of importance.
BTW: Here's something interesting: I asked ChatGPT to order the list from most positive to most negative. So my brain is tripping over the fact that AMBIGUITY is #38 on a list of about 100, instead of closer to #50.
- Joy: A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
- Happiness: The state of being happy; characterized by feelings of contentment, satisfaction, and well-being.
- Love: A deep and profound affection for someone or something; an intense feeling of attachment and care.
- Contentment: A state of satisfaction and ease; feeling fulfilled and at peace with one's current circumstances.
- Gratitude: A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for the kindnesses and blessings received from others or from life itself.
- Compassion: The ability to empathize with others and feel a deep sympathy and concern for their suffering or misfortune.
- Empathy: The capacity to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of others, often leading to compassionate actions.
- Sympathy: Feeling pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune, often accompanied by a desire to offer comfort or support.
- Affection: A gentle feeling of fondness and care towards someone, often expressed through gestures of warmth and tenderness.
- Optimism: A hopeful and positive outlook on life and the future, expecting favorable outcomes and focusing on possibilities rather than limitations.
- Elation: A state of extreme happiness and excitement, often accompanied by a sense of euphoria and exhilaration.
- Triumph: The feeling of great victory or success, often following overcoming significant challenges or obstacles.
- Pride: A sense of satisfaction and self-respect derived from one's achievements, qualities, or associations.
- Self-esteem: Confidence in one's own worth and abilities; a positive self-regard and belief in one's inherent value.
- Enthusiasm: Intense excitement and eagerness, often shown through energetic and passionate behavior.
- Eagerness: A strong desire or willingness to do something, often characterized by enthusiasm and anticipation.
- Overjoy: A state of being overwhelmed with joy and happiness, experiencing an intense and exuberant delight.
- Awe: A feeling of reverential respect mixed with wonder and amazement, often inspired by something grand or extraordinary.
- Wonder: A feeling of astonishment and curiosity, often accompanied by admiration and marveling at something remarkable or unexpected.
- Excitement: A state of heightened arousal and anticipation, characterized by enthusiasm and eagerness for upcoming events or experiences.
- Passion: Intense emotion and enthusiasm, often directed towards a specific activity, pursuit, or person.
- Desire: A strong feeling of longing or craving for something, often accompanied by an intense urge to obtain or experience it.
- Longing: A deep and persistent yearning or craving for something unattainable or absent, often tinged with sadness or melancholy.
- Yearning: A strong and intense desire or longing for something, often accompanied by feelings of emptiness or incompleteness.
- Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past, often accompanied by fond memories and a sense of wistfulness.
- Amusement: A feeling of enjoyment and amusement, often elicited by something amusing, entertaining, or humorous.
- Trust: Confidence in the reliability and integrity of someone or something, often based on positive past experiences or perceptions.
- Admiration: A feeling of respect, esteem, and approval towards someone or something, often inspired by their qualities or achievements.
- Anticipation: A feeling of excitement and expectation about something that is about to happen, often accompanied by eagerness and curiosity.
- Hope: A feeling of optimism and expectation for a positive outcome or future, often accompanied by confidence and resilience.
- Curiosity: A strong desire to know or learn something new, often driven by an inquisitive and exploratory nature.
- Satisfaction: A sense of fulfillment and contentment derived from achieving or fulfilling one's desires, needs, or expectations.
- Relief: A feeling of reassurance and comfort following the removal of stress, pain, or anxiety, often accompanied by a sense of relaxation.
- Comfort: A feeling of ease, reassurance, and security, often derived from being in familiar or supportive surroundings.
- Schadenfreude: A feeling of pleasure or satisfaction derived from witnessing the misfortune or failure of others.
- Cynicism: Distrust or skepticism towards the motives or sincerity of others, often accompanied by a belief that people are selfish or insincere.
- Arousal: the emotion of arousal typically refers to a heightened state of physiological and psychological activation, often associated with increased heart rate, heightened alertness, and a sense of readiness or excitement.
- Ambiguity: A state of uncertainty or vagueness, often resulting from a lack of clarity or definition in a situation or communication.
- Bitterness: Resentment or animosity towards others, often resulting from feelings of anger, disappointment, or injustice.
- Disappointment: A feeling of dissatisfaction or letdown resulting from the failure of something to meet one's expectations or hopes.
- Remorse: A deep and painful regret for one's past actions or behavior, often accompanied by feelings of guilt or sorrow.
- Frustration: A feeling of annoyance or exasperation resulting from being hindered or thwarted in achieving one's goals or desires.
- Irritation: A feeling of annoyance or anger caused by something that bothers or provokes, often resulting from repeated or persistent stimuli.
- Discomfort: A state of physical or psychological unease or unpleasantness, often resulting from pain, illness, or awkwardness.
- Discontentment: A feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with one's current situation or circumstances.
- Disgust: A strong aversion or revulsion towards something offensive, distasteful, or repulsive.
- Contempt: A feeling of disdain or scorn towards someone or something considered unworthy or inferior.
- Resentment: A feeling of bitterness or indignation towards someone or something, often resulting from perceived unfair treatment or wrongdoing.
- Jealousy: A feeling of envy or resentment towards someone else's possessions, qualities, or success, often accompanied by a fear of losing what one has.
- Envy: A feeling of discontent or resentment towards someone else's advantages, achievements, or possessions, often accompanied by a desire to possess them oneself.
- Loneliness: A feeling of sadness or isolation resulting from a lack of companionship or meaningful social connections.
- Isolation: A state of being separated or cut off from others, often resulting in feelings of loneliness or alienation.
- Rejection: A feeling of being dismissed or excluded by others, often resulting in hurt, disappointment, or low self-esteem.
- Abandonment: A feeling of being deserted or forsaken by someone or something on which one depends, often resulting in feelings of insecurity or betrayal.
- Melancholy: A feeling of deep sadness or sorrow, often with no obvious cause, accompanied by a sense of gloominess or despondency.
- Sadness: A feeling of sorrow or unhappiness resulting from loss, disappointment, or other negative experiences.
- Grief: Intense sorrow or mourning, often experienced in response to the death or loss of a loved one.
- Despair: A feeling of utter hopelessness or defeat, often resulting from the belief that there is no way to improve one's situation.
- Desperation: A state of extreme urgency or despair, often resulting from a feeling of powerlessness or lack of options.
- Agony: Intense physical or emotional pain, often accompanied by feelings of distress, torment, or anguish.
- Sorrow: A deep feeling of sadness or regret, often experienced in response to loss, disappointment, or tragedy.
- Misery: A state of extreme unhappiness or suffering, often resulting from prolonged distress or hardship.
- Anguish: Intense emotional pain or torment, often resulting from feelings of grief, guilt, or remorse.
- Torment: Severe mental or physical suffering, often inflicted deliberately or experienced as punishment.
- Heartbreak: Overwhelming emotional pain or sorrow, often resulting from the end of a romantic relationship or the loss of a loved one.
- Regret: A feeling of sadness or remorse for past actions or decisions, often accompanied by a desire to undo or change them.
- Guilt: A feeling of responsibility or remorse for one's actions, often accompanied by a sense of wrongdoing or moral transgression.
- Shame: A painful feeling of humiliation or disgrace resulting from one's actions, often accompanied by a sense of unworthiness or inferiority.
- Humiliation: A feeling of embarrassment or shame resulting from a loss of dignity or self-respect, often inflicted by others.
- Embarrassment: A feeling of self-consciousness or awkwardness resulting from social scrutiny or judgment, often accompanied by blushing or discomfort.
- Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern; indifference towards oneself or others.
- Indifference: Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy towards someone or something; a feeling of detachment or unconcern.
- Numbness: A lack of emotional or physical sensation; an absence of feeling or responsiveness.
- Despondency: A state of low spirits or depression; a feeling of hopelessness or despair.
- Hopelessness: A feeling of utter despair or pessimism; the belief that there is no possibility of improvement or success.
- Depression: A persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed.
- Suffering: Physical or mental pain or distress, often experienced as a result of injury, illness, or hardship.
- Agitation: A state of nervous excitement or restlessness, often resulting from anxiety, stress, or frustration.
- Anxiety: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about future events or uncertainties, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat or sweating.
- Tension: Mental or emotional strain or stress, often resulting from conflict, uncertainty, or pressure.
- Nervousness: A state of apprehension, unease, or worry, often accompanied by trembling, sweating, or other physical symptoms.
- Fear: An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, threatening, or likely to cause pain or harm.
- Panic: A sudden feeling of intense fear or anxiety, often accompanied by a sense of impending doom or disaster.
- Paranoia: A feeling of extreme distrust or suspicion towards others, often accompanied by irrational fears or beliefs.
- Dread: A deep and overwhelming fear or apprehension about something unpleasant or threatening, often accompanied by a sense of foreboding.
- Terror: Intense fear or dread, often resulting from a perceived threat or danger, and accompanied by a sense of panic or helplessness.
- Horror: An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust in response to something terrifying or revolting.
- Fright: A sudden feeling of fear or alarm, often resulting from a sudden, unexpected threat or danger.
- Helplessness: A feeling of powerlessness or inability to act, often resulting from a lack of control over one's circumstances or situation.
- Vulnerability: A state of being open to harm, injury, or attack, often resulting from a lack of protection or defense.
- Confusion: A state of bewilderment or uncertainty, often resulting from a lack of understanding or clarity about a situation.
- Doubt: A feeling of uncertainty or skepticism about something, often accompanied by hesitation or indecision.
- Uncertainty: A lack of sureness or confidence about something, often resulting from a lack of information or predictability.
- Worry: A feeling of anxiety or concern about potential problems or uncertainties, often accompanied by a sense of unease or agitation.
- Stress: Mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances or pressures, often accompanied by feelings of tension or overwhelm.
- Overwhelm: A feeling of being inundated or overcome by something, often resulting from excessive demands, stimuli, or responsibilities.