Yes, because it’s incapable of truly identifying you...

And the more of your true identity you truly identify with, the more your life will truly satisfy you;

Basically, the degree to which you are dissatisfied with the state of your life is indicative of how much of your ROYAL identity has yet to be revealed to (and acknowledged by) you.

Date: 3/1/22 6:36am

The more I meditate on God’s ways recently, reflected in His living Word, the more I’m being shown by the Spirit that Dr. Bill Winston (according to his book, “Revelation of Royalty”) was right…

It seems you really DO only inherit the cosmos (Rom 4:13) and possess your possessions in direct proportion to your personal Revelation of Royalty— your intimate comprehension of, and behavioral adjustment to, your true and divine identity in Christ.

Contrary to what I had recently believed until today, it was not God’s LOVE for —or DELIGHT in— Job that had later been amplified, bringing about the change in his life that was denoted by all the SPECTACULARLY conspicuous disparities between his two vastly different states of being…

It was Job’s UNDERSTANDING! —and the resultant behavioral changes certifying his monumental metanoia (change of mind aka repentance). Job’s knowledge of his true identity had been substantially heightened (I have reason to speculate it was ultimately doubled, equating to roughly being 90-95% in alignment w/ God’s perspective of Job’s royal identity— up from 45%); he finally received the necessary revelation of WHY God’s Grace toward him was to be inherited via his royal relationship to a warm & loving God who’s rich in mercy, as opposed to earned and maintained through slavish fear and servitude to some cold, distant, and exacting deity; which is what accounted for his life’s doubly-enriching transformation.

And as a result, heaven invading and making itself ubiquitous in his earthly existence —in ALL things pertaining to him— was “unlocked” where it was previously shut-up and stifled by his fathers’ and his fallen revelation of their identity. His ignorance of his familial ties with, and genetic proximity to, God Himself is where darkness (specifically fear) was allowed to creep in. Before God would later set Job’s heart on the right track, once he prayed for his friends.

The punchline of what I’m now realizing is that God didn’t specifically MAKE Job’s daughters more beautiful than ALL the other women in the land (Job 42:15)No! What’s far more biblically-sound of a notion —since a) God is no respecter of persons (Rom 2:11), and b) uncleanness manifests as desynchronization from Christ (John 15:2-4)— is that Heaven-kissed genetics and Garden-of-Eden-like life conditions/circumstances are the default for God’s family; automatically assigned to all of God’s chosen. But in instances where we end up with less than heaven influencing our daily lives, it is due (in part) to us (and our parents) whose fallen understanding limit the Holy One of Israel (Psa 78:41).

This affects how the revelational disparity between God’s and our perspective of who/what we are pertains to EVERY possible aspect of our existence— in proportion to (especially at the onset) how much of our perception of our royal identities has been lost at the time of our (offsprings’) natural inception (Hosea 4:6). As well as in various additional ways apart from our earthly beginnings.

Our worldview (for better or for worse) fashions the very world we personally live in —regardless of our geographical location— as well as the life we specifically live, within that ‘self-manufactured’ world; as it is our heart that thoroughly and intricately determines our circumstances…

“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” (Prov 4:23 NKJV)

There’s not one thing you experienced yesterday, today, or will experience tomorrow that wasn’t/isn’t determined by your heart. It was literally programmed, by God’s clever design, to define your life. So what happens when your heart is devoid of the truth of your royal lineage? Royalty won’t be reflected in your life. But then, whatever degree of that truth you’re subsequently exposed to (and accept via confession, Matt 6:31) will trigger that much of your royal reality to seep/pour/spill into your life, experientially.

This revelation of the believer’s familial connection to the Creator of all things is so powerful that, once you get beyond the beginning trickle (by consistently meditating on the truth of it, found throughout the scriptures), the magnetization generated by it even transcends generations. Read that again if you have to: I’m not merely saying that Job’s daughters were blessed by their father’s understanding. What I’m saying is that the attraction of heaven & earth’s wealth and abundance toward Job was so potent that it even sought him out indirectly— by trying to get to him through his offspring; Y’see, atypically, even his daughters were given an inheritance (in the temporal sense) as opposed to only the sons, suggesting that some ‘unnatural influence’ might’ve been resting upon them (keep reading)— that inheritance (compounded by their beauty, thanks to their dad; Psa 128:1-6) was trying to reroute itself back to Job like a boomerang (Luke 6:38).

This is not foreign, in fact it’s very familiar. It bears a striking resemblance to God, in His wrath, visiting the iniquity of a father upon the 3rd and 4th generation of his children (Exod 20:5). That’s severe, however the good news is that the scriptures tell of God being rich in mercy (Eph 2:4), but “rich in anger/wrath” is nowhere to be found. Plus anger isn’t appointed to the believer under the new covenant, His wrath is behind us— a thing of the past for we Christians (1 Thess 5:9-10).

That means if God targets 4-5 generations through a dimension of His identity that He’s not even abundant in, then His mercy (grace) —what He’s specifically rich in— must penetrate SIGNIFICANTLY deeper. And if that wasn’t enough, 1 Chronicles 16:34 states that one of the reasons He’s considered to be good is because His mercy (grace) endures forever. Not that it simply exists, but ENDURES (outlasting all opposing forces), and FOREVER. How many generations would you wager that translates to if His lesser-reaching anger for punishing ONE person’s sins traveled a total of 4-5 branches down the family tree?

(hint: Forever is a very long time)

Under the old covenant of Law you had to perform to be blessed by God and when you missed the mark you were cursed. However, apart from the Law, anything and everything we receive from God today (and before the Ten Commandments was given) comes to us by Grace— it’s His preferred system of dealing with His children. This includes the prosperity-attracting and lack-repelling properties we descendants of Abraham (the righteous-by-faith; it’s inherited from him through the blood of Jesus) increasingly experience as we grow in the revelation of our royal identity. This gravitationally-themed phenomenon is specifically referred to as “The Blessing” (Gen 28:4, 39:5); and it is the compoundingly-aggressive way that God goes about MAKING your life, your surroundings, and your circumstances resemble the Garden of Eden— a literal outpost of heaven upon the earth. And if the effect wasn’t as obvious and exaggerated as it is, it would be mistaken for something any hard-working, or highly intelligent, or “just plain lucky” human being could accomplish by his diligence (Prov 10:4) or workaholic nature— thus preventing God from receiving the glory.

So yeah, I strongly recommend Dr. Bill Winston’s book, Revelation of Royalty. Especially if you haven’t already been practicing your princeliness (princesses are princely too~) as the seed of Abraham that we (in Christ) are. It’ll bolster your understanding of God in ways that won’t click until after you’ve consumed the material, but when it does it may just blow your mind. The God-ordained truth of your identity will work in tandem with The Blessing in a way that should skyrocket you to inheriting the cosmos more immediately than anything else I can imagine would succeed for a fellow seed.

These are just a sample of all the dots I’ve been connecting recently, assisted by the scriptures, and the jewels of revelation Jesus has been dropping on me otherwise.  I feel so honored by what He’s preparing me to share with you and anyone who would pay me half a mind. Oh, and any born-again believer who was previously ignorant of this, yet understands “frame games” and thus incorporates this newfound truth of their royal identity into their go-to frame, is going to be found amongst the stars extra soon. You might even beat me there. Godspeed.

Yes & amen  

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