aka Kew ("Q") aka tango

Instagram & email (in that order) are the best means of reaching out to me. Please allow up to 48 hours for me to reply, I will try to get back to you within that time...

Email: kivvislaughter[at]gmail.com

note: that 'W' is actually 2 Vs, be careful typing it

Find me on social media. . .

About Khamali.live

Hello. I'm Khamali, the author/transcriber/artist/designer/editor/performer/copywriter/creator behind all the content you'll find on this website— even the very website itself (ghost theme and some stock photography exempted). Don't worry about that pronunciation by the way: you may call me Kewi instead.

This website exists as a means of systematically providing value to others who are enough like me—a PURPOSE PURSUER (dream chaser) with a PEN (writing talent), who's chronically had more money problems than he has ever had money, in a world that seems to care only about making sense of dollars—that they can benefit from the ups & downs of my journey to unlocking the rewards & fulfillment that other people keep saying that life is supposedly FULL of.

I'm the first of several children born to a single mother; a male who "grew up" without: a) a father/b) any male role model/c) general life guidance or direction; I have a high school education; and the only reason I know what the word "friendship" means is because there's a definition for it in the dictionary (I moved around a lot).

Although I'm blessed with MUCH "family" (blood), I'm also very much alone. Yet, not all that lonely. Still, I don't wish my circumstances upon even my childhood bullies, and I plan to do what's in my power to pay myself back—handsomely— for EVERY BITCHLESS, PENNILESS DAY I've EVER forced myself to live on Christ's green earth, due to the broke mindset that I've meticulously molded for myself throughout my unenviable life.

What's more, I'm taking note of every calculated step that prospers my way on this journey, and will be sharing those steps with anyone willing to pay attention. If, like me, you also have more dreams & aspirations than you have qualifications & credentials—and will benefit from downloading the desirable poverty-defying data that I'll subsequently discover and unearth here, which can definitively double your dollars with dashingly dramatic effect—stick around like a spitball and you'll also learn what's necessary to fix yourself a hot plate once strategic skill acquisition has sharpened your utensils enough to carve up the right opportunities for your growth and success.

Welcome to Khamali.LIVE.