
If you find yourself lacking in belief or faith concerning God’s faithfulness in His promises to you and your family, consider the following:

There was a time Satan was able to come before God —stand in the heavenly presence of the Father and His angels— and accuse the Old Testament saints. Now why in the world would God tolerate and entertain Satan —His enemy, the enemy of the saints— coming before Him to bring charges against His chosen people?

It’s because the platform upon which he stood originally belonged to Adam. It’s the place God gave Adam to access the Father and Son. And Adam forfeited this and everything God gave him rule over when he disobeyed God, effectively handing everything over to Satan. Quite frankly, Satan had the right to be there.

That’s right— God is fair, just, and legal. Thus, He respects laws and goes about things legally. God legally gave Adam rule/authority/dominion over everything on earth; Adam, through his disobedience, legally gave his rule/authority/dominion over to Satan. So in order to take it back, God would have to legally reclaim what was given to Satan. And this was accomplished by the Father sending His Son to earth as a man.

The Son of Man came on our behalf, and legally overcame temptation, legally conquered the world, legally paid the price for all sin with His own blood, took upon Himself ALL disease, legally healing us by His stripes;
Legally bought us with a price, legally provided us a death with Him on the cross to legally divorce us from our marriage to sin and death via the Law (the Ten Commandments), effectively replacing our spouse (the Law) with Himself (Grace & Truth, the person of Jesus Christ) as our new groom;
Legally took the keys of death and hades, and legally conquered death by being raised from death to life by the Holy Ghost on the 3rd day; signifying that our sins had indeed been put away, having SATISFIED the Thrice-Holy Father God with His perfect work at the cross.

God and Satan are not friends. So if God didn’t relax the legality of His conduct to illegally prevent Satan from accessing Him and heaven in a way that was meant only for Adam;
and if God didn’t relax the legality of His methods to simply snatch back what Satan legally obtained from
Adam— to the point that He even sent His own precious Son to die, in the most humiliating way, by the filthy hands of sinful men... Since He was willing to go THAT far to remain true to His holiness and justness, then you should not hesitate to put EVERY ounce of your trust, your confidence, your faith, and your belief into the words and promises of God.

Because if He didn’t absolutely mean it, He would NEVER have said it. Evidenced by how far He’s gone, and how much He’s given up, to remain true to His holiness, His justness, His goodness.

His righteousness!

P.S - What’s not expressed or explained above is what God puts at risk, and what He stands to lose if He were to —even for a moment— conduct Himself in any way that isn’t holy, just, and good. And because that’s left unexplored, the importance and weight of the role Jesus played in God’s grand design of redemption is also left unclear.

For an idea of what is on the line, keep reading...

Proverbs 16:12
“Kings detest wrongdoing,
for a throne is established through righteousness.”

To be righteous is to reward good, but also punish wrong. If God says “No, that wasn’t for you, I gave it to Adam.” and takes back from Satan what Adam gave him, God would be wrongful via unjustness. His throne crumbles and Satan takes His place as the ruler of heaven and earth, which would be the end of all of us (“steal, kill, destroy”).
The result would be the same if God were to sweep our sin under the rug; i.e. goodness toward us, but at the expense of His holiness and justness; as sin can only be paid for with blood.

Psalm 89:14
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.”

Righteousness and justice I just explained. So that brings us to His love and faithfulness. To love in the way God loves is to forgive and be gracious. But grace is undeserved favor—goodness towards one who is deserving of bad; and forgiveness requires that wrongdoing be overlooked and no record of it be kept. Are you seeing the problem here?

God cannot be both holy and gracious any more than either of us can look both left and right at the same time. Unless... He had an ingenious way of both
a) paying the steep, bloody price demanded by sin incurred by mankind
—ONCE and for ALL— AND
b) making good on His fatherly desire to faithfully love sinful man, all at the same time. And in a way that doesn’t diminish the integrity of His holiness, or His pristine standard of love; flawlessly securing the righteousness and the foundation upon which His throne is established.

Jesus Christ is the nullification of any and all conflict of interest that Satan would’ve been able to point at in order to legally usurp the throne of our God and Father; Jesus Christ crucified —the power and the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1)— was, is, and will forever be the answer and solution to every question, problem, and obstacle that stood between God’s unwaveringly righteousness judgment and His faithful fatherly desire to love and redeem a creation that deserved nothing but punishment and eternal damnation.

Our Savior certainly had His hands full. No matter how you slice it —the “Son of Man” or “The ascended, risen Christ seated at the Father’s right hand”— Jesus is a pretty big deal. Both to us, and to All-Mighty God, our Father.